This book describes a 2-yr effort to develop a comprehensive occupational information system, suitable for many purposes, that would primarily reside in electronic media. The product of this effort is a prototype of the national occupational information system intended to replace the “Dictionary of Occupational Titles” (U.S. Dept of Labor, 1991) and its supporting technology.
As a result of the many changes taking place in the workplace, it’s difficult to forecast the long-term effects of these changes. This book proposes to address the issue of how we should change the ways in which we think about, analyze, and structure occupations. The authors believed that by drawing on the best available thinking and research about the purposes, methods, and uses of occupational analysis, we could develop a comprehensive yet flexible occupational information system that would have the capability to meet the needs of a diverse set of users in an efficient, timely manner and they developed a working prototype of that system.
An Occupational Information System for the 21st Century: The Development of O*Net